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Re: Barcode scanners

Funny you should mention the RFID tags - they were what I was really after from them, and they work a treat. I bought the simple RS232 RFID reader and 10 key fobs. The reader simply transmits the ID of the tag to the serial port of a PC when it detects a fob (and blinks an LED). Range of detection with the supplied aerial is about 20mm.
Ironically I need the RFID reader to output TTL RS232 and the barcode reader to do 12v RS232, but sods law means they're the other way around. If you find 9 other orders for the barcode scanner *and* a way of simply converting the levels up to 12v, then count me in as the 10th order.
Ray Barnett
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 8:48 AM
Subject: Re: [ukha_d] Barcode scanners


I notice that there is a discount as follows

Number      1      10+      100+     
Cost £      20      12.45      6.10     

If anyone is interested then perhap a bulk buy is in order that I'm
willing to handle, costs above exclude VAT

There are a few other item of interest, like RFID tags, perhaps a
solution to the room occupancy problem ?

Have a browse of the website.
As ever I have no interest in this company other than as a customer, any
e-mail relating to a bulk buy should be sent off list.



On Tue, 2002-02-26 at 21:05, Ray Barnett wrote:
> Thought people might be interested to know that I came across a supplier of cheap barcode scanners... £20 for a second hand "guaranteed to work" unit.
> I'd like to report how well they work, only I read the bit about it supporting TTL RS232 *after* I plugged it in to my PCs RS232 port? Anyone care to venture the odds on it still being alive? Oops.
> Just don't plug them straight into a 12v serial port like I just did ;-)
> Ray Barnett.

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