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Re: Re: OT: ISP questions + on topic PS

<< I used 123-reg to register the domain and hold the tag, I then
pointed at my own DNS, but as you point out, that disables their
email forwarding. It is a real pain. I am even thinking of switching
back to the 123-reg DNS and using web forwarding, but I really hate
that option. >>

I didn't even consider that option.  It's way too amateurish.

<< I have to say that I am a little wary of using another DNS as mine
already there. If my DNS fails then at least I have the possibility
of fixing it and anyway, as it is the same box as my web server, if
the box fails then it really doesn't matter if the DNS is still
working. It is a lot simpler if I handle everything on the one box
(these are not very high volume sites). >>

I had the same thoughts.  I host my domain from my cable modem, and I also
have a couple of friends with cable modems who run win2k and IIS.  We are
thinking of clubbing together and hosting copies of our websites.  I would
have primary DNS for my domain, one friend would have secondary...
machine was called via DNS would resolve its own IP as the www host.  The
only problem is synchronising the websites on 3 servers.  Not too difficult
a problem to solve.

Andy (rambling, so I'll stop there as it's a bit off topic)
PC-Based Multimedia System

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