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RE: Door Bells anyone?

> Tony,
> > But then, anything X10 seems to cost an arm and a leg anyway :(
> Hmmm.... Depends on your benchmark. When I was contracting, an
> Applicance module equalled about 35 minute's work. (Assuming I didn't
> pay tax.)

Yeah, it's not so much that I can't afford it <grin> but that it
would be
unacceptable on the bank statements to SWMBO - there's only so much I can
put thru the company a/c as being for the office :-)
Plus, whilst I don't mind spending money on worthwhile items, I don't like
being shafted & we seem to be shafted here in the UK compared to US
The keyfob alone will be 20 quid + at least the same again whatever for a
chime module etc etc.  It just doesn't sit easy with me - having a bit of
money and having money to burn are two *slightly* different things :-)


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