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Re: RS232 or RF X10?

> To be honest, (and I appreciate that this is probably close to
> think X-10 is seriously over rated.

I don't think it's over rated at all Ian.  But I agree with you that's it's
far from perfect.  However look about and show me the alternatives?  I
our house in preperation for a REASONABLY priced hardwired soloution.  I
haven't found it yet. But when it arrives I'm ready.  But the "holy
may well end up to be a wireless system anyway I suppose, as this would be
much easier to retro fit to the millions of existing homes.

> At the US pricing level, where an X-10 module is scant dollars more
than a
> dumb switch, I can see the flakiness, unreliability, and restrictions
> something you would live with. Not at the 30-40GBP per unit level.

True again.  It's a long time bug-bear in the UK that our modules are so
much more expensive than the US ones.  The reasons for this have been
discussed at length here before.  But even at those prices there's nothing
to compare to them that will do anything like the same job.

I got my Mum and Dad a set of those RF controlled Philips lamp modules from
LA and they are so much better than X10.  If only a large manufacturer like
this would take on some X10 modules I think the prices would fall and the
features/design would improve.  The A10 stuff that Comfort have looks like
good progress, but at double the price.

> In your case specifically Tim, If you have the financial means to look
> the higher end wired controllers, I think you would be *insane* to use

Agreed!!  If I could have afforded one of the professional hardwired
soloutions I would have fitted it in a heart beat - Champagne tastes on a
beer income I'm fraid :)

> Still, I can't help but think that getting used to pressing a switch,
> waiting a second, and *THEN* the light comes on, is not a habit I wish
> get into.

But that's only the X10 wireless.  Because of the RF to MAINs to LIGHT
chain.  Designing a new RF soloution from the ground up with todays
technology it would be instantaneous.



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