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RE: Power triggering

> Get HV and this will do what you want
If I could be sure it would, then I would.  Wanted to 'dip toes in the X10
waters first' :(

> Just get a Pronto to do it all and then *remove* all the old
> remotes so
> SWMBO has no option but to use a Pronto...that's what I did
> ;-). Part of
> the re-training effort!

I tried this but as I said before, SWMBO complains Pronto doesn't operate
the way she'd like, but will not 'waste time on that silly remote control'
telling how she'd like it set up so that it _does_ do what she wanted.
Bought Pronto envisaging two setups - the SWMBO-friendly
setup, and another for me which replicated all the controls of the original
remotes so I could still get to those little used functions that you have
forego in 'traditional' multi remotes with a limited no of buttons....

> You're running out of options mate.

Indeed.  A few weeks ago, I was happily minding my own business in my non
automated little I'm a) a lot poorer! and b) seeing a near
term future where I get poorer still (or just very frustrated!) :(



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