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RE: Power triggering

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: Power triggering
  • From: "Kenneth Watt" <kennwatt@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 13:24:42 -0000
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

> I get around this by a couple of really noddy settings..... A timer
> which says its morning at X o'clock (switch coffee maker on), unless
> I've set a flag saying don't do morning at X o'clock, and some basic
> stuff on the kitchen PIR saying "If you see me in the kitchen
after X
> o'clock, then I'm awake..... Chuck a couple of lights on in other
> rooms".... I live in a 1 bedroom flat, so this simple stuff

Noddy settings...I like it :-)

Yep, that's basically what I do too only on a bigger scale and probably
a bit more complex.

> Other things could be look at sunrise time, or a PIR at the top of the
> stairs to determine wether someone's up or not.

Yep, do that too.

> > asked if one of these IR->X10 converters could turn on a TV
> > socket when she presses the 'Power On' button on the TV
> > remote. Speaking of which, there are a no. of IR->X10 jobbies
> > about - which is the 'best'?
> Depends exactly what you want...... Do you really mean switch on the
> socket the TV is plugged into, or switch on another socket somewhere
> else....? I am always a bit wary of giving a TV a hard power off while
> its on (a "kill -9" as I call it *rolls eyes*) ... I did it
for a
> to an old tv with aparently no ill effects, but wouldn't recommend it
> a decent set.....!

I do this with the Philips Cool Green set, so long as it's in standby
which HV can work out then its fine. Bummer if someone leaves the telly
on and hits the bed button though, which *has* happened on the odd
occasion followed by "you silly moo!"

> Do you want pressing of an IR button to switch on the TV and send an
> command for further macros/ whatever...?
> Doing it with the original TV remote should be possible, but tricky -
> involves getting something like a HomeVision to listen for that IR
> (obviously with some way of getting IR from the bedroom to wherever
> HomeVision is) and then running things based on that. Much simpler
> be to have an IR->X10 box (IR543) and a remote control which sent a
> command to the TV and an X10 command to the IR box.

I got this to work with HV so the TV powers down and a few seconds later
the mains power is removed, in contrast if the power button is pressed
and the set is off it powers up.



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