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RE: RS232 or RF X10?

At 11:13 AM 13-02-02 +0000, you wrote:

>It does, but because the implementation of X10 is so poor in this
>you don't get status updates if you use momentary switches. Although
>possible it also is difficult to execute scenes using the local control

So how can we help change this status? Is there any way we can influence
the manufacturers to only supply fully functional solutions in this
limited market?

>I should have said Lutron type . There are plenty of hard-wired
>controllers that give the flexibility of X10 and some.

Such as? I can feel my wallet vibrating...

>What I should have asked is for experiences of those who have
>HA during a new-build or total re-wire as that is what I will be doing.

Mine has been a semi-total rewire - doing it in sections. Basic
rule I'm following is to route everything back to one side of
the house and along to one central point. That gives me the
flexibility to change things later - I can wire pretty much
any combination - never enough wires :)

ANDREW  BOVINGDON   Tarantella,  Vision Park   Tel: +44 7768 877170
Director,       Cambridge,  CB4 9ZR,  UK   Fax: +44 1223 518001
Product Marketing       bov@xxxxxxx

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