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RE: Power triggering

> Arrgh, see you're getting all complex on me now! ;-)

As if :)

> I have two settings for shutting the house down at night, one
> for SWMBO
> going to bed alone, used for all the late night drinking sessions and
> certain appliances do not work. Since almost all the lighting in the
> house is occupancy detected this means that when you get up

This is part of the problem - I don't seem to be able to dip my toes into
the X10 waters and come up with a SWMBO acceptable solution without
the house (again) and putting in X10 din rails, PIRs etc etc.....

> to go to the
> loo in the middle of the night you're not blinded by mains
> halogens, nor

This is a case in point - I replaced our rotary dimmer in the bedroom with
an LW10U and now SWMBO complains (fairly IMHO this time!) that you turn it
on and it's blinding - you can't seem to turn it on at an initial dim
SWMBO has to close her eyes & keep the switch pressed until she thinks
dim enough that she can open them again without being blinded :(

> More or less to achieve what you want to do is simple enough and very,
> very easy to use for SWMBO which was the main criteria when I
> put it all
> together.

Yes, your system does sound like the kind of thing I need to do - however,
the 'what do you do in the morning' issue is still there.
If I'm rushing out the door and forget to turn the house back on, then
is stuffed - which is why I asked if one of these IR->X10 converters
turn on a TV socket when she presses the 'Power On' button on the TV
Speaking of which, there are a no. of IR->X10 jobbies about - which is

> One thing though, leave her bedside light as a normal lamp ;-(

Oh, I learned that from my very first X10 experiment - one was not amused



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