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Cat 5 Pinouts

Could anyone recommend a safe RJ45 pinout to use for distributing 12v.
Basically I want to connect Nigel's IR circuit up via my patch pannel,
means I need 3 wires:-
1) +12v
2) 0v
3) Signal

I want to avoid any problems if I accidently patched the IR box to either
Hub or Telephone points.

I've found a number of guides describing what is used for a network and
a BT patch:-



Based on these I think the following pins are used (please correct me)
(1) Network(Tx+)
(2) Network(Tx-)
(3) Network(Rx+)
(4) BT(Line-A)
(5) BT(Line-B)
(6) Network(Rx-), BT(Bell)

This leaves me to believe I could use pins 7 & 8 safely, but I need one
more.  I wired up my patch pannel for the phone about a year ago, so I
remember what pins I used but I'll check when I get home.

Any ideas?

Also I want to buy some RJ45 / Cat 5 sockets to fit neatly in some small
boxes I'm put the IR boards in.   Anyone know if maplins sell small Cat 5
sockets that I could mount in a small box.

______   __   _   ______   ______
/ ___   / /  /  / __    / _____ HOME: chas@xxxxxxx
/ /  /_/ / /__/ / / /__/ / / /__
/ /  __  / ___  / / ___  /  \__  \            ----
/ /__/ / / /  / / / /  / / _____/ / Rob Chasmer, MMT Computing
______/ _/  /_/ _/  /_/ ______/ robert.chasmer@xxxxxxx

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