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Re: More Wireless Questions

> Trying to get my head around these wireless pcmia's..  If I dont want
> an access point, can I:
> Pop a w-lan card in a laptop connected to my lan,
> Pop a w-lan card in the fujitsu/epod/ipaq and get the two to
> communicate as is?  And with bridging or ics in the laptop could I
> get the pad device to get ip connectivity through it?

Yes.  I've done the same myself.

> If I was to add another device (another w-lan card) would that still
> be compatible with the above setup - or is that where the ap comes in.

The cards when used without an AP run in 'ad-hoc' mode, but when used with
an AP run in 'infrastructure' mode.  The latter is slightly better
but both work reliably when properly setup.

> (in my mind I have the metaphor of two wired lan cards, these can be
> crosswired to connect 2 machines, once you add a 3rd machine you need
> a hub - not sure if w-lans work the same way)

I like to think of a hub splicing wires together so all ends communicate.
With wireless, there are no wires, so splicing is not required.

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