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RE: Newsgroup now created

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: Newsgroup now created
  • From: "Mark Hetherington" <mark.egroups@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2002 22:54:22 -0000
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

I have been planning similar things for some time now. I have a system that
will echo a newsgroup to a web page and allow posting from the web page to
usenet ... think low budget deja/google :) and am working on somewhere to
host it. This will give access to the new group to those list members who
are unable to use Usenet from work etc. It also includes a searchable

Interfacing such a system system to a mailing list ought to be trivial in
comparison. A simple anti spam filter on email addresses should allay the
possible spam problem, but there is the matter of maintaining the headers
a degree that it generates correct threads on Usenet.

But the question is not so much could, it is more should. Do the list
members want the (possible) increased email traffic generated from the
newsgroup and their posts going to it? Is we accept the newsgroup as if it
were part of the list, then yes it does mean that the list gets a newsgroup
viewing system and people can now choose to view the list through Usenet as
well as attracting members who would never dream of signing up to a mailing
list which is a good thing. However, I am sure people have concerns about
such a system.

The newsgroup at present is merely a long overdue and very welcome addition
to HA in the UK. It does not mean the end of the mailing list and in many
respects may not even change it to a noticeable degree. The question for
group is whether the majority is interested in us trying to join the two
together, or to keep them seperate.

Maybe we should have a poll once we have worked out what options the group
feel are appropriate. So far I think the primary options are as follows,
I am sure everyone can either refine them or add to them and come up with
something that works well for everyone.

Poll UKHA - The Next Generation

1) Interface the mailing list to the newsgroup
2) Keep the list as is with no interface to/from the newsgroup


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stuart Poulton [mailto:swp@xxxxxxx]
> Sent: 01 February 2002 16:15
> To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [ukha_d] Newsgroup now created
> >
> > Well, with all the techies here, I'm sure there's someone with a
> > server and enough bandwidth to host a private news server.  I
> would offer,
> > but my P200 is already running all the services for my domain
> (DNS included)
> > on the end of a 128/512kbps cable modem.
> Something I've always wanted to do is to combine a newsgroup (s),
> mailing list(s) and Online-forum into one unified system with a fully
> searchable archive.. This would be an ideal solution to what we're
> trying to do.
> As I've posted previously I'd be happy to send messages from the list
> the newsgroup. Perhaps we should look at doing more than this, ideas /
> suggestions welcome, perhaps we should take it off list, if you're
> interested mail me off list, I'll set up a forum in the same place as
> the PT510 Stuff.
> Cheers
> Stuart
> For more information:
> Post message: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
> Subscribe:  ukha_d-subscribe@xxxxxxx
> Unsubscribe:  ukha_d-unsubscribe@xxxxxxx
> List owner:  ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

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