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RE: 2 Sky+ Boxes

I'm not aware of such functionality on my pronto!
The problem would be in isolating the extender - you'd need one for each sky box presumably, so how do you specify which extender is to receive the signal you are sending? 
Putting them in another room I suspect is not an option, as I presume the rack is @ node 0 , feeding many rooms?

 -----Original Message-----
From: Rob Heyes [mailto:rob@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 31 January 2002 09:46
To: Simon Coates
Subject: Re: [ukha_d] 2 Sky+ Boxes

SC> Any other suggestions?

The other possibility is a universal remote with an RF extender. The
Pronto based models seem to let you specifiy that individual devices
are controlled via the extender, so if you could isolate the extender
and the Sky+ box in some way, so that it couldn't see the IR >from in
another room.  Since you've already got Homevision though that may be

Best regards,
Rob                            mailto:rob@xxxxxxx

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