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Re: Newletter (just a thought)

Sounds like a cracking idea to me... Tips, tutorials, howto's


p.s. No, I can't get to sleep if you are wondering.

>Hi All
>        Recently i have been thinking it would be good if we could get an
>online quarterly  newsletter going. My thoughts were something based on
>the Home Automator Magazine (on a smaller scale)...were you have regular
>contributors eg xAP column ...basic electronics column..basic computing
>column etc....There are lots of people who im sure would be able to
>contribute..the hard part would be to put it all together and getting it
>out on time....The Home Automator Mag was great ..unfortunetly it seems to
>have died...Keith D has done some great articles for it such as Remote
>Control Using the Dallas ds1802 and another on distributing audio....Just
>a thought .............

--- Tag-it! v2.0 (c) Andy Powell 1998

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