> As the UK retailer, they would have to supply it with a warranty
> whether this is an actual roomba warranty or an LA undertaking to
> replace/repair within 1 year I don't know.....
Yes, AIUI, they do under the Sale Of Goods Act have to supply the
appliance with a warranty "for a reasonable period of time" that
to be generally accepted as being 12 months. Given that if you import
direct you have *NO* warranty whatsoever then I think this is pretty
reasonable really. As within that =A370 or thereabouts LA have to deal
with the manpower to receive, check, pick and pack, any warranty
failures and still leave some margin for profit as, LA is after all a
business and not a charity. When all is said and done I think you'll
find that they are working on about a 15-20% margin at best, not
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