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RE: CD rack pic

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Morgan [mailto:steve@xxxxxxx]
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Timothy Morris [mailto:timothy.morris@xxxxxxx]

> > It was built by a joiner - he started his career as a site
> > chippy, he may have moved on, but he doesn't consider himself
> > to be a cabinet maker by any stretch of the imagination.
> This is John Revell as in "The House that John Built" & "The Workshop
> that John Built", isn't it? Maybe he's not a cabinet maker, but he's
> certainly a bit more accomplished than you're average chippy. Still,
> that workshop's gotta help.

There's a new series due to air in the New Year entitled "John's
Workshop", where John uses the workshop to make furniture for his mates.
The whole thing is being produced by Hothammer TV, my new neighbours.
The business model is totally different from traditional TV. In the old
days it would have taken a crew of around 6 to shoot the three links we
put together, all who would have been paid for a whole day's work. In
our case the director set up the lighting, sound, monitor and shot it on
DV - and he is a full time employee so gets paid a salary. The editing
suite runs on a G4 PowerMac with a grand's worth of accessories.
Discovery will still pay the going rate per hour of finished telly, so
the end result is more margin!

The first four programmes have been edited and submitted, and I think
the links we did last week were the last bits of filming for the series.
One of the programmes will tell you how to make a rack just like mine :)

> They're very nice, by the way.

I'll pass on the compliment...


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