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Re: Time for cable...

From: "Paul Gale" <groups@xxxxxxx>
> I'd echo the sentiment to run as much as possible - the only thing that
> may cause difficulty with larger numbers of cables is how you run them -
> for example, I ran all of mine between the cinder block wall and
> plasterboard. A very neat solution but an absolute nightmare of fishing
> for cables and pulling bits of string (a couple of lengths of net
> curtain wire is a must!). There were a large number of points where
> there was limited space between the block and plasterboard - only enough
> to run 4 cables in some places. This will very much depend on how your
> house is built of course. Mine is only 4 years old but the builders
> seemed to have used every construction method known to man ;)

I'm thinking of gaps in the floorboards to get my cables into the ground
floor, and chasing holes in the walls for the 1st floor.  Luckily, mine's a
classic Victorian house.


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