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Re: Re: House in self-defence mode...

> On the other hand if I told the police a burglary was in progress and I had
> seven rifles and about 4000 rounds of ammo on the premises they might get
> there a bit quicker.

To paraphrase (badly) something I heard somewhere else, no doubt an
urban legend.....

Man dials 999

Hello police? There's someone burgling my garage, right now!
Sorry, we don't have any officers available just now - we'll send
someone round in 30 minutes or so.

Waits a couple of minutes, dials 999 again

Hello police? I was on the phone about my garage a couple of minutes
ago, don't bother sending anyone out, I shot the guy.

Within minutes a full barrage of police are at the house, catching the

You told 999 service that you shot the burglar??????
999 told me there weren't any police available!


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