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Re: PC to TV distribution

On Sat, 20 Apr 2002 19:32:06 +0100, you wrote:

>I'm Looking for a bit of advice on using TV out port on my PC, and I am hoping someone else on the group has done this already....
>What I was hoping to do was have a dual display set up. One using my TV out connector, whcih would be connected to a vcr, and then distributed around the house, and the second display would be my pc monitor. Both displays would have to have the exact same outputs.  Here is my problem.
>  I can manage to get the screen to display fine on either my monitor, or a tv connected to my tv out port on my pc, but not both at the same time!!!!  If I do both at the same time, it looks like what is happening is the display is split between both display devices, with half the display on my monitor, and teh other half on my tv. If I move the mouse button around, I can see it move from one screen onto the next.
>Anyone any idea what I'm doing wrong here ? Or has anyone a work around for this ? Any advice would be appreciated...

    You don't say which video card you have, and this is vital!

    The Matrox cards (G450 and G550) do this, and to set it up you
need to press the 'advanced' button on the settings tab of the screen

    I have come across many other cards that claim similar
functionality, but which don't actualy deliver.  However - the fact
that you get a 'multi-display' gives me some hope.  See if there is a
tab on the advanced display that changes the display to 'clone' or
similar wording.

    Two other thoughts -
1)  Maplins and Keene do a stand-alone TV modulator that works well,
and which also accepts a sound input, which might save you from tying
up the VCR.

2)  A computer display looks *horrible* on a TV usualy, unless you
limit the screen resolution.  I assume what you are trying to do is
'broadcast' video from DVD films being played in the computer DVD
player - this will work; but trying to show a windows type screen on
TV will very probably make it unreadable.


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