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RE: [OT] Interesting HD article

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [OT] Interesting HD article
  • From: "Kenneth Watt" <kennwatt@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 11:49:07 +0100
  • Delivered-to: ukha_archive@xxxxxxx
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

> Not so bad organising your MP3 collection on an 80GB drive, some
> have
> 4 times this and it starts getting to be a pain (Ian?).  Try
> 120TB of content.....
> James H


This is also the problem with putting video on HDD spanning several
large drives, management gets to be a real pain-in-the-a$$! As in,
what's on what drive and where and since no bright spark has come up
with a TiVo like interface for the PC (yet!) finding it all when it's
scattered across your LAN like $hit in a park is the hardest part to

This is fine for us (fringe) techie geek like people that don't mind
spending a few minutes finding a recording but not when SWMBO just wants
to watch an archived version of The Next Gen or whatever. So, in effect,
what I'm saying is, fine if you have a front end that is simple to use
and does the donkey work, not so good if you don't.

The other thing is that many of the episodic programmes on TV are moving
towards DVD releases with increased picture and sound quality at an
alarming rate, well for my bank balance anyway ;-), so with the
increases there the space needed on the HDD also jumps.


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