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Re: BT ADSL Router Cable

Amar Nagi wrote:

> I have bt adsl and the standard alcatel green usb modem that
> bt supply.
> I have now got a intel wirelss router and access interface
> which i want to use to distribute the adsl connection.
> Currently i use winroute but want to use the intel interface.
> My question is i have a wan connection on my intel interface
> how do i connect that to the rj-type adsl connection bt have suppiled
> on my wall ?

You have a standalone router, not one with a built in adsl modem.

they are designed to allow you to run several computers on a modem that
is only designed to have one computer connected. They will do NAT on the
LAN site to the WAN side, also firewalling you from the internet (Often
sold as a feature). This will not work with the stingray modem as it
doesnt provide the interface to your world on an ethernet segment. You
will either need to swap the modem for one that does routing as well, or
for an ethernet ADSL modem.

The box you have bought has nothing directly to do with ADSL, they just
sell them as that because it makes it obvious what they are for. Another
similar one is the linksys ethernet router, but the box calls it an
ADSL/Cable router. They are used by some ISPs that provide service over
ethernet to allow an entire LAN to connect to the net.

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