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RE: [jreceiver_user] Windows Documentation: Server Install: JReceiver

  • To: <jreceiver_user@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: [jreceiver_user] Windows Documentation: Server Install: JReceiver
  • From: "Mark Harrison" <Mark.Harrison@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 16:47:15 +0100
  • Delivered-to: ukha_archive@xxxxxxx
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

Note: You should complete the following installations prior to starting on this section.

- Java
- MySQLFront
- Jetty
- Jikes



Start by downloading the "Jreceiver Server Binaries and user documentation" (zip version) from the downloads section of the JReceiver site. Unzip it into a temporary directory (preserving the path names.)

There are two steps to this, first the config of MySQL, secondly the config of Jetty.

For the MySQL config, start by going to the etc directory, and double-clicking jrec_mysql.sql. This will start up my_sql front, and you should log in as the Database administrator. Select the JReceiver database in the left-hand column, and the Query tab in the right. Then click the "video play" icon (ie the right-pointing arrowhead thing) icon bar above. This will run a lot of SQL, and create your database. If you now select another database in the left-hand column, then reselect JReceiver, you will see that the database now contains 20-or-so tables. I'm deliberately not giving an exact number, because it might creep up in future releases of JReceiver, and I want these docs to last ;-)

Now, with the JReceiver database still selected, go back to the Query tab, and select-all, then delete the SQL query. Now type in the alternative query, replacing the word HOSTNAME with the name of your PC. (If you can't remember, right-mouse-button on "My Computer" on the desktop, select Properties, then Network identification to find out - only the bit BEFORE the first "." counts.)

           TO jreceiver_app@localhost, jreceiver_app@<HOSTNAME>;

Now select, Tools/Usermanager, and select the "Edit Users" tab. You should see two users, both called jreceiver_user@<something>. For each of them in turn, click the "Edit User" button at the bottom, and give each a password (the same password as each other, but ideally different from the Database administrator password.)

You have now completed all the MySQL configuration required, so you can exit MySQLFront.

There are four parts to the Jetty config:

1: Extracting the XML file
2: Editing jetty.bat
3: Extracting the Java Servlets
4: Editing the config file

1: Go to the /etc/jetty section of the zip file you downloaded. You will find a file called jrec.xml. Copy this file to the /etc directory of the Jetty install. (eg C:\Program files\Jetty-3.1.7\etc)

2: Now go to the /bin subdirectory of the Jetty install, and edit Jetty.bat. Find the line that reads:

      if [%1]==[] (set ARGS=etc\admin.xml etc\demo.xml & goto args_done)

and replace the demo.xml with jrec.xml so it now reads:

      if [%1]==[] (set ARGS=etc\admin.xml etc\jrec.xml & goto args_done)

3: In the webapps subdirectory of the Jetty Install (eg C:\Program files\Jetty-3.1.7\webapps), create 2 new subdirectories called jrec_serv and jreceiver. In the dist subdirectory of the JReceiver download, you'll find two files called jrec_serv.war and jreceiver.war. Extract the contents of jrec_serv.war into the jrec_war directory you just created, and the contents of jreceiver.war into the jreceiver directory. The easiest way to do this is probably just to rename the files from .war to .gz and double click them!

4: In the /etc directory of the JReceiver download, you'll find a file called Edit this file and replace the text mypassword with the database password you just created in the line that reads:

Finally, copy this file to ????? <AARGH - HELP ME ON THIS ONE, GUYS>

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