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Re: It is a truth universally acknowledged.....

> .... that it is impossible to install enough CAT5 cable.
> My main hi-fi lives in the bedroom, so we can watch telly in bed...
> When we were putting in CAT5, I thought "4 points will be enough"... and
for the moment, they are, but I'm now using 3 of them:
> 1: Into the ethernet port on the DDAR
> 2: Taking the rear channel out from the processor and sending it (using a
KAT5 TX) to the rear amp and speakers at the other side of the room
> 3: Taking the "babycam" feed into a KAT5 RX.
> .... now, if I add, as the "master plan" currently has:
> 1: A "mark2" ViaProject box, for DiVx playback
> 2: A feed from the (proposed) gardencam
> 3: A feed from the (proposed) frontdoorcam
> 4: A feed from "mr PC" to display "Outlook today" as part of the "good
morning Mark" routine
> that will take me to 6 ;-(
> Looks like I'm going to either have to install more, or use the KAT5
switcher to switch the incoming feeds (and locate that back in the patch

Oh well, we can drop another 4 points in when I'm next round :)

I think I did offer to install eight, but you thought that "four would do
for now".

Is eight enough for Mary's study ;) ?

James H

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