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Re: ?dial up homeseer

Jon Bhargava wrote:
> Does anyone know if it is possible to connect to the homeseer web
> interface using a direct dial up connection
> Unfortunately I don't have a permanent internet connection so I think
> the only way to do this would be a direct dial connection from my
> laptop, running win2k, to my HA machine that runs win98
> Have been pfaffing around with it all morning but can't get anything to
> work:(

Hi John......

I've not messed with that under 2K, but did it ages ago under NT4....
basically you need to set up RAS to accept incoming dial up connections.
You can then assign the dialled in machine an IP address, and allow it
access to the LAN, which then lets it access any IP stuff over the LAN.

I'm sure someone else will pop up with better instructions than
that....but its a start!


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