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RE: 4 port USB KVM switch for £50

Seems bizarre to me that they should offer a "True cross-platform
design" to control 'USB computers' and then expect someone with
multiple USB machines (each with its USB keyboard, and USB mouse...)
to go out and get a PS/2 keyboard to be able to use it properly! (The
manual says you can use a USB keyboard, but you can't use the
on-screen display or hot-key switching... DOH!!)


On the subject on on-screen displays, does anyone else lament the
passing of LCD-remote controls for VCRs? Without one, just how are
you supposed to programme that last-minute recording before you nip
out, when SWMBO is watching the TV?

(OK, I know I should have a second screen connected to the VCR output
for just such eventualities, but even my old Sony SL-8000 Betamax
would let me set the timer without interfering with the TV!)



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