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RE: Re: I was doing _so_ well....

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: Re: I was doing _so_ well....
  • From: "Dr John Tankard" <john@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 12:00:49 +0100
  • Delivered-to: ukha_archive@xxxxxxx
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

Title: Message
Let me have a copy of the emails on the problems and I will pass it to Northamber I will tell them its holding up a big order, actualy the next bulk buy is not nearly as bigh as the last one ;-)
-----Original Message-----
From: Nikola Kasic [mailto:nikola@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 09 April 2002 16:05
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxxSubject: RE: [ukha_d] Re: I was doing _so_ well....

That's exactly what I'm getting. So, no improvement yet.
I checked on Linksys site yesterday, but no new versions of software are available.
-----Original Message-----
From: Stuart Booth [mailto:stuart@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 09 April 2002 13:01
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxxSubject: RE: [ukha_d] Re: I was doing _so_ well....

On 9 Apr 02, at 12:06, Nikola Kasic wrote:

> O.K.
> I'll try it again tonight. I tried it and I could connect, but it
> couldn't save any changes.

Ahhh, I don't think I actually made any changes. ISTR something
about the ReadWrite and ReadOnly passwords being the wrong
way round. Maybe it's in R/O mode?

The UI for this is chronic. The tabbing order in some places is well
out of whack and the new way of inputting WEP keys is pants. The
control needs some work.


>   -----Original Message-----
>   From: Stuart Booth [mailto:stuart@xxxxxxx]
>   Sent: 08 April 2002 22:39
>   To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx>   Subject: [ukha_d] Re: I was doing _so_ well....
>   On 25 Mar 2002, at 12:31, Nikola Kasic wrote:
>   > This is what I got from Linksys support, related to our SNMP
>   > problem... So it's not just us.
>   This worked ! I think it was Ian Oliver that suggested it again
>   today, so whilst setting up the FujiTab, I gave it a go.
>   I restored defaults via USB.
>   I changed my usual settings, but avoided passwords, and applied. No
>   luck connecting via SNMP; <blank>, "admin", nor "public" I set the
>   READ/WRITE password to "public". I did NOT set the Read Only
>   password (at this stage). I was then able to connect via SNMP using
>   the p/w "public".
>   Dare I change it to something else? I'm sick fed up of pumping in
>   the WEP keys over and over to make sure they're all the same. Should
>   have remembered my keyphrase that I used to generate the code in the
>   first place I guess.
>   Stuart
>   > -----Original Message-----
>   > From: Doug Watson [mailto:dwatson@xxxxxxx]
>   > Sent: 25 March 2002 10:29
>   > To: 'Nikola Kasic'
>   > Subject: RE: I was doing _so_ well.... {02}
>   >
>   >
>   > Hello,
>   >
>   > apparently what you are experiencing is a bug that they are
>   working > on, but in the mean time, using the USB please try and
>   re-assign > public as the password, now try the SMTP connection
>   again, let us know > how you get on please. > > With Best Regards >
>   Doug Watson > ><dwatson@xxxxxxx>< > +++++++Linksys European
>   Support Centre+++++++ > ++Tel ++ 44 870 739 39 39 Fax ++ 44 739 39
>   38++ > >   -----Original Message----- >   From: Nikola Kasic
>   [mailto:nikola@xxxxxxx] >   Sent: 21 March 2002 15:38 >   To:
>   dwatson@xxxxxxx >   Subject: RE: I was doing _so_ well.... {02}
>   > > >   I tried "public" because that's in the manual, but didn't
>   work. Over >   the > phone, you told me that it's "admin" but didn't
>   work either. >   Doesn't matter, because I changed it using USB
>   config. >   I did all that earlier, and I'm stuck at the same point
>   like these >   guys.: > >   > Now when I try to connect, it just
>   gives "Access point not found" >   if I > used >   > the CORRECT
>   password, - but interestingly, if I supply a wrong >   password >
>   deliberately, the error message is "Not an authorised >   password,
>   please > check"... - this seems to indicate that it is >   actually
>   talking to the > WAP11, >   > to check the password.... > >   And
>   the *exact* same results here. > >   Regards, >   Nik >   
>   -----Original Message----- >     From: Doug Watson
>   [mailto:dwatson@xxxxxxx] >     Sent: 21 March 2002 15:01 >   
>   To: 'Nikola Kasic' >     Subject: RE: I was doing _so_ well.... {02}
>   > > >     the defualt password is "public" let me know if that helps
>   you out >     if > not we'll move it on from there... > >     With
>   Best Regards >     Doug Watson >     ><dwatson@xxxxxxx>< >   
>   +++++++Linksys European Support Centre+++++++ >     ++Tel ++ 44 870
>   739 39 39 Fax ++ 44 739 39 38++ > >       -----Original Message-----
>   >       From: Nikola Kasic [mailto:nikola@xxxxxxx] >       Sent:
>   21 March 2002 10:36 >       To: dwatson@xxxxxxx >       Subject:
>   FW: I was doing _so_ well.... {02} > > >       Hi Douglas, >     
>   We spoke on the phone a few days ago and you asked me to send me > 
>       an > e-mail regarding my problem with SMTP config util, so you
>   can forward > it to USA. >       I found that there are, at least 2
>   more people experiencing >       exactly > the same problem as me. >
>         Please see below, I did exactly the same as these two guys and
>   >       got the > same result. > >       Please let me know if you
>   have any ideas or fix for this >       problem. > >       Regards, >
>   >       Nik > >       -----Original Message----- >       From:
>   BadMsgQ@xxxxxxx [mailto:BadMsgQ@xxxxxxx]On >       Behalf
>   Of Stuart Booth Sent: 20 March 2002 19:58 To: nikola >       kasic
>   Subject: [habuy] I was doing _so_ well.... {02} > > >       On 20
>   Mar 2002, at 13:55, Paul Gordon wrote: > >       > When I connected
>   earlier, I'm sure I had not set any SNMP >       password > at all,
>   >       > and just used <blank> when I connected via SNMP... > >   
>     Ditto, on the original firmware/software supplied with the >     
>   WAP11. I connected fine with SNMP *before* flashing and updating > 
>       the s/w. > >       > Subsequently, I've set both a read/write
>   and a read-only >       password in > the USB >       > config
>   utility, on the "security" tab, then the "Password >       setting"
>   > button... >       > and applied that to the AP... > >       After
>   getting the not authorised p/w message, I did the same ... > >     
>   > Now when I try to connect, it just gives "Access point not >     
>   found" if > I used >       > the CORRECT password, - but
>   interestingly, if I supply a wrong > password >       >
>   deliberately, the error message is "Not an authorised >     
>   password, > please >       > check"... - this seems to indicate that
>   it is actually talking >       to > the WAP11, >       > to check
>   the password.... > >       And the *exact* same results here. > >  
>      > I thought the latest firmware was supposed to fix the "Access >
>         point > not >       > found" error via SNMP?? - that's what it
>   says in the release >       notes > for it!! >       > >       > Any
>   tips/pointers anyone? > >       I'd never even known what SNMP was
>   until the other day, so so >       far I'm at a loss myself. > >   
>     Stuart > >       -- >       Stuart Booth >       Somewhere in
>   Buckinghamshire, England, UK > > > > >
>   --habuy-------------------------------------------------------------
>   - > If you want to get off this list :- send a PLAIN TEXT email to >
>   mdaemon@xxxxxxx with the first line of the body:- UNSUBSCRIBE >
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>   MDAEMON!------------------------------------------------ >
>   --
>   Stuart Booth
>   Somewhere in Buckinghamshire, England, UK
>   stuart@xxxxxxx     ICQ#: 4515603
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