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I thought I was going mad......

  • To: "UKHA Discussion \(E-mail\)" <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: I thought I was going mad......
  • From: "Keith Doxey" <lists.diyha@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 09:25:05 +0100
  • Delivered-to: ukha_archive@xxxxxxx
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  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

I thought I was going mad......

....when strange X10 things were happening or not happening.

No hot water the other day - BAD THING - Nearly froze my bits off in the
Thought the element must have died but tried an override of the module -
water heated up OK -
- put that down to a 1 off X10 failure and considered changing the way that
important things are done eg instead of turning the Water Heater OFF/ON with
a schedule, have a flag that is set or cleared. Then have a scheduled event
that happens every 10 minutes and either forces the Hot Water OFF/ON
according to the flag. That should mean it will never be wrong after 10
minutes even if a signal fails to get through. 10 minutes should ensure I
dont flood the system with X10 traffic.

Couldnt turn the lounge lights off last night. - BAD SIGN
Tried a power down of the IR 543 - still no good.
Changed the house code and then put it back - still no good
Considered the X10 failure the other day - thought something was blocking
it - waited 10 mins - it worked.

Alarm went off this morning but no light on in the bedroom - another
failure - BAD SIGN.
Came downstairs and went into the lounge - lamps were on like they should
5 seconds later - LAMPS WENT OFF - that aint supposed to happen - BAD SIGN
Tried to turn them back on - IR543 not working - it sends directly to the
lamps not via Homevision - BAD SIGN
Looked at the clock - 05:50 - DING !!!!!

Light SHOULD go off at 06:50

I had checked the time on Homevision and set it right when the clocks
changed but HV had then adjusted itself

Viewed the log to see what X10 commands it had received from the IR543 if
LOADS, on housecodes A, P, J.... infact anything but L (Lounge)

Disassemble IR 543 - Code wheel broken - solder link in place - Now fixed to
Housecode L

These are the first real problems I have had with X10 in over 5 years and
the confusion was caused by 2 things
Wrong time on Homevision AND a faulty IR 543 at the same time.

Now what are the chances of that !!!!!!

I feel much better now normal operation has been restored :-))


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