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the POP3 & SMTP details get entered as follows.

In Exhange 'System Manager' goto to Connections

For POP3
Right-click the 'Connector for POP3' and choose properties
Here you have areas for setting the schedule and adding global/specific
It is when adding a global/user mailbox that you get the field 'Mail Server'
This is where you enter the POP3 server name.
Notes: some isps need the login name to be the full e-mail address
Connector for POP3 only works with lowercase passwords
It may have the same bug as SBS4.5 where it throws away all mail for some
individuals (even if you completely delete them from the system and recreate
Dont ask me why, never been able to get an explanation out of MS. In this
case the solution is to set them up as a global.

Right-click the 'SMTP Connector' and choose properties
Under the general tab select ' Forward all mail thru this ...' and enter the
SMTP server
Should have a local bridgehead set, which is your local server name
Under advanced select 'do NOT send etrn/turn'
I normally add an address space of SMPT * 1

Even with everything correctly set in Exchange the POP3 often doesnt work
because the sbsb2k installation often forgets to add the necessary filters
to the ISA server (new name for Proxy server).
In 'ISA manager' goto
ISA Servers/Servers & Arrays/<server name>/Access policy/IP packet filters
You should have Backoffice POP3 110 out custom filter
Backoffice POP3 PredefinedType
Backoffice SMTP 25 out custom filter
Backoffice SMTP Predefinedtype
Off the top of my head I think it is the custom filters that are often
If so, for POP3 add: enable/TCP/6/Outbound/All Ports/Fixed/110 (local =
default ip, remote = all)
for SMTP add enable/TCP/6/outbound/All ports/Fixed/25 (local = default ip,
remote = all)

Also, check Routing under ISA Servers/Servers & Arrays/<server name>/Network
If it is an ISA problem, you could prove it by allowing all traffic thru ISA

If you are using a router/cable modem, rather than a modem on the server
then can you browse the web from the server?
Really in this configuration ISA shouldnt be running, and the server network
settings should be using the router as the default gateway.

If you have a problem just connecting an outlook client to the exchange
server (and assuming the client pc is set to use the router as the default
gateway) you can have problems connecting the client to server if the line
is down/faulty.

If the router has DHCP enabled, you must disable DHCP on the server - fix an
IP address in the routers range - and reconfigure all aspects of the servers
systems(e.g. routing tables & even settings in the fax server) to match the
ip address and range (mask).

Hope this gets you started.

Tony T

----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian.G.Reynolds" <brian.g.reynolds@xxxxxxx>
To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 10:03 PM
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] OT SBS 2K

> Thanks for the reply.
> I need to know where to enter the and the
> bits.
> I originally ran the internet connection wizard but cannot find where the
> settings went too.
> I cannot not run the wizard again because it says the internet connection
> sharing is running but I cannot connect another PC to use the cable modem.
> assume if I stop the ICS service that will cure that problem? also does a
> proxy server get installed by default? that could be why I cannot connect?
> I set-up a user (me) to try and connect to exchange but no joy....loads of
> problems.....I re-installed the whole system using the default settings to
> see what happens but still no joy...
> I will appreciate any help you can provide.
> B.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tony Tofts [mailto:home@xxxxxxx]
> Sent: 08 April 2002 21:16
> To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx > Subject: Re: [ukha_d] OT SBS 2K
> I've got it working on a system with BT Connect via ISDN, and on another
> with an ADSL router.
> Without a system in front of me, I can't give you any guide this evening.
> But I'll refresh my memory when I'm at the office tomorrow if you like.
> It's a bit messier than SBS4.5...
> Have you got any particular issues?
> Tony T
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Brian.G.Reynolds" <brian.g.reynolds@xxxxxxx>
> To: "Ukha_D" <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
> Sent: Monday, April 08, 2002 8:59 PM
> Subject: [ukha_d] OT SBS 2K
> > Sorry for this but has anyone got the POP3 connector to work with NTL or
> any
> > other ISP?
> >
> > I have only just got today's email from Outlook but not using Exchange,
> > thing NTL was actually "down" so that may be the problem...
> >
> > I have read so many "help" files that I am totally baffled.
> >
> > I am more than willing to pay anyone who can help sort this!
> >
> > Thanks all,
> >
> > B.
> >
> >
> >
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  • References:
    • RE: OT SBS 2K
      • From: "Brian.G.Reynolds" <brian.g.reynolds@xxxxxxx>
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