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RE: The joy of tech! - MA401+Fujitsu

As I now have my Fujitsu, thanks Gareth, I can confirm that the Netgear
MA401 works a treat. Once I got the drivers on to the tablet every thing
worked first time. Getting the drivers on the tablet however was a pain,
but luckily I found an old null modem cable and could use "direct cable
connection" which was already on the tablet.
Very happy
P.S. Multitainer turned up today aswell, it's like xmas all over again

On Mon, 2002-04-08 at 13:13, Nikola Kasic wrote:
> But have you make it work?
> To lock AP to MAC addresses you need to run SNMP util, and that one has a
> bug which Linksys admitted and is working on it.
> It would be interesting if your's working. There are 4-5 people that
> reported this problem.
> I'm still waiting from Linksys support to update me regarding that bug fix.
> Nik
>   -----Original Message-----
>   From: Jon Whiten [mailto:jon@xxxxxxx]
>   Sent: 06 April 2002 19:51
>   To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx >   Subject: RE: [ukha_d] The joy of tech!
>   Yes - Re-flash the AP if only to enable locking the access point to the
>   addresses of specific cards.
>   Regards,
>   Jon
>   > -----Original Message-----
>   > From: James [mailto:James@xxxxxxx]
>   > Sent: 06 April 2002 17:29
>   > To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx >   > Subject: Re: [ukha_d] The joy of tech!
>   >
>   >
>   > Tim,
>   >
>   > I have a MA401 and it does indeed say it is 16bit on the back, infact it
>   > doesn't even mention 32bit. The only other thing it says is it's 5v but
>   > i would of thought all pcmcia cards are. I too have a fujitsu on the way
>   > so do hope they work.  The only other thing to mention is you might have
>   > to reflash the bios of the access point as they are supplied as 40/64
>   > bit and the upgrade gives you 128bit. Overall they are solid cards with
>   > a good range, and you can hack the AP to give a higher output!
>   >
>   > James
>   >
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