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Re: EXCUSES! (was TiVo WAF)

Timothy Morris wrote:

Same as all mobile phones - what people seem to forget is that they're PHONES. Until 3G becomes mainstream you’re better off sticking with what you’ve got.

Remember my opinion on the Nokia Communicator?

“Too big to be a phone, too crap to be a PDA”.

Yep, totally agree with you there Tim :)

I managed to blag an Ericsson R520 the other week.... it has GPRS, Bluetooth, IR, and an earlier incarnation of the T68 software. (but is much bigger and has a b&w display)...... so far I've used IR once with the iPAQ to check it worked (I do that with all new phones I get with IR)..... and that's about it.... I don't have a GPRS subscription, can't justify getting one, and although I've thought about getting a Bluetooth headset, I've never gotten around to it yet.

Bluetooth GPRS access from the iPAQ does sound tempting.... until I think "how often will I *really* use this......." And it has a pretty colour screen.....

<<< Avid hater of Nokia communicators since the Nokia 9000 first came out *shudder*


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