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Re: reliable distances for X10

How far can an X10 signal reliably travel? A colleague has an outbuilding
on the same mains run that is a few hundred yards away - he wants to

I checked out my outbuilding today, with the following setup:

Outbuilding is (as the mains goes) about 65m from the consumer unit,
on its own circuit. I don't know if the size of cabling makes any
difference, but it is fed with a pair of 10mm2 individual core cables.

In the building, I had a 3m extension lead with a TM13 plugged in.

In the house, a light with an LM15 (near the far point on the
upstairs lighting circuit) and another with a LM12 (about half-way
round the single ring main) were both controllable.

Hope this helps!


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