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Re: OT: Mr Tonks TIVO

  • To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: OT: Mr Tonks TIVO
  • From: Richard Malcolm-Smith <rich@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 04 Apr 2002 22:49:41 +1200
  • Delivered-to: ukha_archive@xxxxxxx
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • References: <HDEELJFFAOELLIFCCFCHCEEAFLAA.des@xxxxxxx>
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

Des Gibbons wrote:

> No, I wasn't aware that there was any difference to the broadcast standard
> between the UK and NZ, doh!
> Do you know what the broadcast standard is here, one of the PAL variants I
> presume? My tv's and videos have just arrived, hope they are not going to be
> useless!

We are PAL B on the VHF, and G on the UHF.. will they even do VHF??

> > Do let me
> > know how you get on with it, as if it works Ok i might look at sourcing
> > one of them.
> Doesn't look like Mr Tonks is available, so doubt I will be able to get one
> after all :/

Ah well. There are sites saying that the US ones can be made to do PAL
on the AV in and out, but i really want the tuner to work as everything
(to me) looks much better on the analog off air VHF then on sky
digital.. damn cheap MPEG crap..

> >  As its not released here and everyone knows what they are I
> > would be the envy of every one at work if I had one.. even better if it
> > actually worked.
> Well, it is really not that great without the daily updates, but I wnat one
> anyway ;)

If someone can crack the format that it gets the guide in then it would
be a winner.. There are many sources of guide information electronically
(Cough.. that it would be viable. I recall someone saying
that there FTA sat box was getting guide info from the sky transponders
so there may be a chance with a PCI sat reciever card to get the same
info, then its just a matter of getting it into the tivo. Im not to
worried about the recommendations as I know what I want ;)

> > Also, dunno if it would control sky in NZ, theres an RS232 port on the
> > back of the boxes but I have no idea if it would even use that.
> >From memory it uses IR for control of sky, probably not comaptible also the
> way this is going :)

I hate IR.. The sky NZ boxes with the open TV shit in them are so slow
and miss keypresses so often that it would be unreliable as hell..

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