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RE: eBoxit

I've got no idea what you're level of knowledge or experience of opensource projects is like Ian, but if you haven't already, get involved in a couple ...
talk to the people involved, you may be surprised at the level of commitment and lack of care at people using their code to make a profit. After all,
there is nothing to prevent them doing the same thing themselves.

And please DO NOT bundle Linux with GPL etc. Linux is only the kernal that powers the GNU/Linux OS. And what about all the other free or open
sourced OSes available? I was using netBSD on my Amiga 1200 8 years ago ... netBSD is still going strong today.

Writing code is only part of the work ... the people that get it into everyday use is even more important to it's survival than having technically briliant

As far as I'm concerned, if someone takes the time to provide a useable interface that assists people in using the packages then that is good. If they
choose to charge for it ... wahey, maybe they'll make enough to enhance it further. Many companies then also choose to sponsor the opensource
projects they use in their own products.

I think I just lost the will to live ... I'll finish this later maybe ;-)

On 2 Apr 2002 at 18:57, Ian Lowe wrote:

> hmm, yes, as I suspected.
> This is IMO, the bigest reason why Linux is doomed to failure in the long
> term.
> Those self same coders who donated millions of man horus of time free of
> charge now get to see someone ride the GPL right to the line, and bolt some
> noncy little bit of code on the top, less than a thousandth of a percent of
> the total codebase, then sell it as a proprietary solution.
> sickening.
> And of course, will ultimately drive away those selfless guys who did the
> *real* work.
> Ian.
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  • References:
    • RE: eBoxit
      • From: "Calum Morrell" <calum@xxxxxxx>
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