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  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: OT: THX
  • From: "Timothy Morris" <timothy.morris@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2001 13:22:09 +0100
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Phil Harris [mailto:phillip.harris1@xxxxxxx]
> Sent: 15 September 2001 11:30
> To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
> Subject: RE: [ukha_d] OT: THX
> > Where it does score is in THX processing. The re-equalises the
track to
> take
> > account of the fact that we are using near field monitors
> rather than big
> > air movers to listen to the soundtrack.
> Again though, just because it says "Kellogs" on the box
> necessarily
> mean that another brand can taste as good or better.
> The Sony 9000ES sounded superb. Yamaha have been including their own
> for years but have never sought THX certification. Various other
> manufacturers have been using THX style re-eq too.

I meant to mention Yamaha's "own-brand" of re-EQ but forgot!

> The THX "rulebook" contains much that is downright
monkey-nadgers ... for
> example while Brian was down last week we were talking about this
thing of
> bass being non-directional at low frequencies and I said that you
> still tell where it was coming from. This I was able to
> demonstrate to Brian
> and he's now aware that he can tell the direction of LF with a
> cutoff as low
> as 50Hz too.
Hence the ability of high end processors to have two subs, ideally located
in the vicinity of the main speakers - when are you going to get that
Meridian Phil?

It *is* directional, but not *as* directional as HF, if it was just as easy
to locate then bass management would simply not work for rear speakers.
Ideally full-range speakers at the rear would help, but I've yet to find a
full-range bi-pole (note the use of the word bi-pole NOT di-pole), which is
the only speaker design IMNSHO that really works in the rear unless you can
give house-room to a four speaker array (which sadly I can't).

The reason they work is that they have two baffles facing away from each
other (like a dipole), but instead of being out of phase they are in phase.
The baffle facing the listener provides direct radiation, and the one
the rear wall provides reflected sounds when the soundfield needs to be
diffuse - thunderclaps, rainstorms etc.

Works for me.



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