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Re: New Bios.

  • To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: New Bios.
  • From: Ian Lowe <ian@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 09:56:21 +0100 (BST)
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx


If the BIOS update fails, you will almost certainly ruin the
motherboard. Steps to avoid this:

Most upgrade utilities allow you to save the current BIOS before
starting: *ALWAYS* do this. If the BIOS update process gives any
errors, restore the original BIOS.

Do *NOT* whatever you do reboot the PC, until you are sure the new BIOS
is updated correctly. All of the flashing software is *very* clear when
displaying errors.

If you have access to a UPS, make ure syou use it. I have lost a Mobo
in the past because the power went dead part way through a flash

apart from this, I would stress that this process is usually trouble


--- UKHA@xxxxxxx wrote: > Hi all
> I finally recieved my new bits from Ebuyer yesturday, - a 60Gb Hard
> disc, Creative Platinum sound card, and 256Mb more memory..
> I installed the memory last night and I see that I have managed to
> exceed the amount my pc can handle! - it only registers 196mb instead
> of the 320mb that is installed.
> I looked at installing the HDD but I found that the PC cannot handle
> discs above 30Gb without a BIOS update, - This in itself is not a
> huge problem but this is one area of PCs that I have never
> touched....
> So I have got the update from chaintechs website, and the flash
> routine to install it with.
> Am I correct in assuming that if I get this wrong I will write the
> motherboard off? - or is there a way of reinstalling the old bios
> back onto the machine?
> excuse the jumpy nature of this, I just want to understand what may
> happen if this does not work as expected!
> (SWMBO would not be happy at loosing access to a PC!!)
> Once this hurdle is done then I can get MP3 ripping!!
> Dan
> Ps If anyone is interested I could do a review of the Creative
> Platinum kit.
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Ian R Lowe. Director, Wintermute Consultancy Ltd.
e-mail: ian@xxxxxxx
Onward and Upward! Towards Ascension!

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