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Re: Crazy concept

  • To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: Crazy concept
  • From: "Dave McLaughlin" <dave@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 21:23:38 +0100
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

Have I got good news for you Mick or what.

Window CE does indeed run on a standard PC but you will need to do some
serious work to get it all working. It is referred to as the CEPC and
Microsoft give you some details of it as part of Platform builder.

It does not support PCI hard disk interfaces straight up but does support
Diskonchip which is what I use.

I have a single board computer with an NEC 640 x 480 LCD (I can tell you
where to get these very cheaply) and have used the demo version of Platform
Builder to create my own vrsion of the OS with Ethernet, serial drivers,
internet explorer, pocket word etc. I don't have a touch screen just yet
but that is next on my list so I use a mouse and a keyboard but even the
keyboard can be removed and you can use the little popup keyboard instead.

The kernel I have builds and fits into 9meg of the diskonchip.

From what I can tell with Platform Builder is that you get  60 day demo
version (with all source code now) and so far it still works for me in only
complaining that I am past the 60 day period. Still appears to build and
run etc. At around 3 grand for the full version it is well out of reach for
all home users unless you are rich.

I can easily supply any info or even my target setup if you wish to go this

You also need to ensure the PC you are using or single board computer has
at least an AMD 586 or Pentium, or NSC Geode processor (see MS site for
processor support)

The best bit is that the programming environment of Visual C++ 3 or Visual
Basic 3 is free of charge (a nonimal postage charge is levied) and you can
debug across either a serial or ethernet (this is best) link from you host

Contact me off list (or anyone else interested) and I will help where I

Good luck

At 12:36 12/09/01 +0100, you wrote:
>This may sound silly but is it possible to run windows CE on a standard
>intel based PC system?
>I have a couple of touchscreen laptops which will eventually be bloated
>death by windows OS and apps, once they aren't capable of doing much I
>like to turn them into EPOD like devices, however the thought of trying
>keep win95 running 365 days a year doesn't appeal!
>Any thoughts?

V8 Chevy Power

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