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Re: OT: Terrorism

  • To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: OT: Terrorism
  • From: "Mark Hetherington" <mark.egroups@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 16:10:09 -0000
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

> As far as I can see, a jet laden with fuel is the most potent
weapon that
> terrorists could sensibly get hold of and after yesterday I don't
want to
> see them ever get hold of one again. If that means that I never see
> pilot or flight deck then so be it.

To reduce the number of rapes on women, they will now all be
accompanied at all times by a bodyguard. Although this means they
lose the right to privacy, so be it. An odd analogy maybe, but would
this rather extreme and costly (both on a monetary and personal
level) action actually be worth the result? Where would you draw the
line where you stop trying to "cure" a "minority"

Rather than worry about what someone may or may not do at 30,000
feet, stop them getting there. The terrorists defeated air*port*
security not air*plane* security.

By securing the aircraft, you merely move the problem somewhere else.
Now you just need to infiltrate the crew of an aircraft to take over
it from behind a sealed door. A company will then actually pay you a
salary to fly their plane out and take out a sky scraper rather than
the "group leader" footing the bill out of his inheritance.

A comparison with money is not particularly appropriate. Money is a
high risk item since without protection there are a huge number of
people who would take advantage of it's availability. From small time
pick pockets up to the master[sic] criminals. The security is against
a very likely threat from a large number of potential sources.

Terrorism, is a very tiny majority and as such to install these
similar levels of protection to money to an aircraft flight deck over
one event is IMO a ludricous proposal particularly when there are
much better ways to try and prevent a future occurence.

As you said yourself, it took a *lot* of planning, a lot of money and
a lot of time. It should have been picked up by Intelligence. It

Besides, there are many other "low tech" general service items
could become a weapon in the right/wrong hands. Stopping someone
using a plane will only make them look elsewhere. The problem remains
and it will happen again.

Maybe a fleet of fuel tankers will drive into the foyer of buildings
throughout a city and create far more widespread and devasating
destruction and loss of life. Or maybe private aircraft rather than
commercial ones will be utilised. I am sure there are thousands of
equally potent "weapons" but not being a terrorist nor having any
desires to reduce finacial and defence centres to rubble, I cannot
think of many :)

Look how the UK was almost brought to a halt by a few farmers and
tractors outside fuel distribution points. Not really terrorist
action, but very "low tech" and *very* effective.

Should we think to apply this monetary security to everything which
could be a potential weapon?

Or more simply, should we allow terrorists to dictate our lives
through the effort we go to attempt to cure something we would be far
better placed preventing?


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