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Re: Crazy concept

In theory, the answer is probably, the Windows CE OS can run on x86, my only doubt here is that I've never done it.  You can't buy Windows CE off-the-shelf, you have to build the OS to target the specific features of your platform.  This link should help 
- Phil
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 12:36 PM
Subject: [ukha_d] Crazy concept

This may sound silly but is it possible to run windows CE on a standard
intel based PC system?

I have a couple of touchscreen laptops which will eventually be bloated to
death by windows OS and apps, once they aren't capable of doing much I would
like to turn them into EPOD like devices, however the thought of trying to
keep win95 running 365 days a year doesn't appeal!

Any thoughts?


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