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RE: OT: Terrorism

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: OT: Terrorism
  • From: "Graham Howe" <graham@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 11:56:56 +0100
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

The flight deck is closed from the inside, but they are usually quite happy to open it. I was on the flight deck for take off and landing for my honeymoon and it is quite common for kids to ask and be let onto the flight deck. Of course the door is also opened for the flight crew to be given meals and it is not unusual for pilot and crew to come out of the cabin for a walk about, to go to the toilet or to investigate some 'situation'. My proposal is that all of this opening of the door is prevented, in fact I would like to see the sort of 'personnel transfer units' used in highly secure warehouses. For example during my time at the Post Office we would frequently visit 'cash centres', these buildings hold millions in used notes, to get into them you have to enter through a revolving door that can only take one person at a time. Such a device can not be 'jammed open' or 'forced' and yet allows recognised individuals to pass through it. Let's face it, with the sort of security that business routinely put around money it would have been impossible for these planes to have been taken over. It pisses me off that such measures are not adopted, probably because of cost and convenience, when the risks are to people not cash.

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