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Re: Socket 7 motherboard

What is in the box of bits?
Do you happen to have a hardware modem in that box of bits? 56k?
What size are the harddrives? gotta spare cdrom aswell?
also anyone got a floppy cable, cos the cable which came with my compaq
doesnt seem to fit "other" motherboards. the plug on the cable is
one row of
pins too short. i was trying to push it in through a field of ide cables,
for bout 5 minutes, cuase i couldnt be bnothered taking all the ohter
out of the way, then i realise the plug was too small for the socket :(((


PS have you tried ebay?
From: Robin Edwards
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2001 10:07 AM
Subject: [ukha_d] Socket 7 motherboard

>I've decided to build a seperate PC to run my home automation on, plus
print server and maybe MP3 server.  I've got several simms, couple of HDs,
an >233MMX but no socket 7 motherboard.  Does anybody have one they'd
with for a reasonable price? Not too worried what it is so long as it
>Alternatively, anyone interested in a box of bits)
>   regards, robin

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