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Re: Off Topic Posts (Again)

On Wednesday 31 October 2001 11:37 am, Mark McCall wrote:
> I've just had an email from a long time member of the mailing list on
> old chestnut of off topic posts.  I know this is an old one but I do
> with him.  For the many of us these post aren't a problem.  For 
> however, they are.  A couple of weeks ago a guy that runs a well know
> business in the UK unsubscribed too, stating it had got to much for

That's awful, that is exactly the kind of thing we don't want to happen.
Whoever it was was in the position to make a huge contribution to the list
with his inside info & product knowledge, and we are the poorer for his

> Anyone just joining the group must wonder if it's on HA or if they've
> mistakenly joined a Windows support group.  And I'm not pointing the
> at anyone here...I'm as guilty as anyone.

Snap, and there are times when Windows questions are legitimate, when they
are related to your HA server and it's function as such, for example

> So...what do we do?
> There are probably no more than around 50 of us that use the list for
> "chat" and OT stuff.  Would those member mind if I added
them to a separate
> chat list?

I certainly wouldn't mind being added, though I fear it will probably die
after a while, like the other spin off groups. The main problem is the
prolonged exchange of emails after the initial question. Perhaps we should
all make the effort to reply to Off Topic mails direct to the sender,
than to the list?

One of the other yahoo lists I'm on posts a kind of charter once a month or
so, I don't know if this is a Yahoo feature or something one of the members
does, but perhaps we aught to have something similar? Though this does
like quite an extreme measure. The members of the list shouldn't feel
stiffled to post if they feel their question is relevent.


Stuart Grimshaw <stuart@xxxxxxx>
Chief Operations Officer
Football Networks Ltd
t:07976 625221
f:0870 7060260

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