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Re: James Hoye's Trip

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> James Hoye has just headed home after 3 and a half days of intensive
> duties.
> Many thanks to James for all his ideas, efforts, goodies and most of
> impressive tool collection (ooo errr mrs).
> Thanks mate!!

I'd like to thank Mark and Helen for their kind hospitality.  The next
trip's already on the cards despite Stranraer being a 425 mile journey from
my house, although I did manage to get back in just over 6 hours last night
despite roadworks at what seemed like every 5 miles along virtually the
entire length of the M6.

Mark also discovered that he'd broken one of HA's golden rules - The second
DDAR was going into the kitchen, but alas, there's very little CAT5 cable
there - certainly none in the right location....  Without chasing walls and
ripping up boards, there's not much that can be done other than wireless -
but that requires more than just a wireless card on its own.

James H

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