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RE: Re: OT: "Gissa a Job!" & Location

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: Re: OT: "Gissa a Job!" & Location
  • From: "Mark McCall" <mark@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2001 13:45:50 +0100
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

I'm with you Keith! :-)
I remember and O'Level essay title we were given....
"Does Thomas Hardy rely too heavily on coincidence to further the plot of The Woodlanders?" answer was "YES"....but they wanted 2000 words!
-----Original Message-----
From: Keith Doxey [mailto:ukha@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 19 October 2001 13:03
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxxSubject: [ukha_d] Re: OT: "Gissa a Job!" & Location

I was absolute crap at english...

>an indefinite possessive!

...what the hell does that mean?

does that mean you lent something to someone and they are keeping it
for an unknown period of time!

The vast majority of what they "tried" to teach us in English has
been of no use whatsoever. For all my book reviews I read and
reported on several well written books from the school library. The
books concerned had titles such as "Tape Recording and Hifi" "Stage
Lighting" etc. I learnt a great deal from those books which has
proved extremely useful during my working life.

Needless to say, whan I took my CSE English exam and they were asking
questions on the Shakespere books I was supposed to have read and
reveiwed, I failed badly (Grade 4 CSE). Having said that, I believe
it to be the ONLY time in my 41 years existance that any knowledge of
Shakespere would have been any use whatsoever.

The same applies to what we learnt in Geography and History. By the
time History was dropped because I couldnt fit it in with my CSE's we
had just about got as far as the Industrial Revolution. (Why not
start with the most recent events and work backwards). Most of the
countries we learnt about in Geography dont exist anymore but we
never learnt where all the counties that make up the UK are.

I appreciate that you need to have a way of quickly shortlisting CV's
but you could easily miss someone who could be the best
programmer/engineer that you could ever employ.

One thing I have noticed is that people who are technically minded
and highly skilled could easily forge a prescription as their
handwriting is often as bad or worse than a doctors. Why do you think
we type all the time. I very rarely write things down because I cant
read them afterwards!

OK so thee are spell checkers and such like, but using Word is a
nightmare. Most of the word processing I do is of a technical nature
and almost everything is underlined in red. Often chunks of text are
underlined in green indicating it is gramatically incorrect. Word
cannot indicate how I should correct it. If it doesnt know what is
right, how does it know that what I have typed is wrong???

I feel better now :-)


PS. My English isnt much better now....but my gibberish has improved
a lot.

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