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Re: CAT5 Cabling - Heeellpp

Interestingly enough, I've removed the switch at one end (swapped it with
another) which also gives the same problem...
Swapped the other switch out - same problem...

However, if I remove the switch at one end completely and plug in a laptop
if works fine...plug in a DDAR, works fine

What's going on????


>On 15/10/01 at 17:51 Alancc wrote:
>>The connections between the sockets should be straight through, if
you are
>Ok, that's what I've done...
>>connecting two switches together you should use a crossover patch
lead at
>>one end or set one of the ports to uplink.
>Yep done that.. The switches appear to 'see' each other ... equipment
>attached does not :-(
>>Hope I am not teaching you to suck eggs, I think what I've said is
>I'm just after some clarification... and any idea as to why they look
>but clearly aren't!

--- Tag-it! v2.0 (c) Andy Powell 1998

Roads scholar - a squirrel that made it all the way across the street.

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