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RE: Re: Starting a new flood wiring project

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: Re: Starting a new flood wiring project
  • From: "Brian G. Reynolds" <brian.g.reynolds@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2001 20:24:42 +0100
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

Not sure on your quantity of cabling but in my house wherever I run cables
always leave the pull through string BUT I also anchor it at either end to
make sure if the string disconnects from the cable being pulled through I
can always get the string back to the start.

I spent a day once with a cable guy and he had a coil of flat metal tape,
rather like a tape measure which had an eye at one end which he used to
through holes then pull back the wire which had been attached to the loop
with insulation tape, very useful bit of kit.

I have also found wire coat hangers cut good for poking through cavity
etc. but do remember to remove the coat first!


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dan Khan [mailto:dan@xxxxxxx]
> Sent: 12 October 2001 19:33
> To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [ukha_d] Re: Starting a new flood wiring project
> Hi,
> Just thinking through my cable planning stage and these are my initial
> thoughts - anyone else got any thing that I should consider?
> To Each Room:
> 4 * Cat 5e - RJ45 terminated
> 2 * CT100 coaxial (1 for AV distribution/ other for internal
> from room to node 0)
> 1 * speaker cable (don't know what type yet)
> For now, I will fit plates with relevant connectors in each room, but
> probably leave the coax/speaker cable at Node zero until I
> determine how to
> use the other end properly!
> Also, I was considering putting 8 * cat5 or even 16 * cat5 in the
> room where all the media kit will be housed; in my office; and in the
> missus' office (read: pc games room).
> Does this sound about right?
> What's next??  I am going to go check out all of the locations that I
> the plates to terminate at in each room and try to extrapolate
> the cable run
> to the loft.  Unfortunately looks like the walls in the media
> room are brick
> :(  so I will probably have to chase that out for conduiting/cabling.
> BTW: A tip that a friend at work told me was that when I lay all the
> cabling, also lay some string in case a cable needs replacing or
> needs increasing in the future - sounds like a very useful idea indeed
> anyone else done this?
> Is there anything else that I should be doing?
> Thanks,
> -Dan
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