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RE: New PC Build (slightly OT)

  • To: <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: New PC Build (slightly OT)
  • From: "Doogie Brodie" <doogiebrodie@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2001 15:45:42 +0100
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

Title: Message
I'm building one too at the moment and initially looked at Scan (although hardware guy at work reckons he can get me things cheaper with his trade account....!)
I'm looking at the Abit KG7 (they do a RAID one too) - the KT7A doesn't support DDR RAM, which as Mark says, you want :-)
I'm gonna put in 2*512 PC2100 DDR in because I'm sad ;->
1.4GHz Athlon 266
Hard disk - unsure at the moment.... definetley not the Deskstar
bugger... Slashdot's search is down at the moment.... there was an article on a few days ago about the reliabilty problems with the Deskstars.
Anybody recommend a decent 100GB (ish) hard disk? Was going to get the Maxtor at Scan, but its only 5400rpm.....  I'm planning to use it for games and PVR stuff with probably ShowShifter
ATI All in Wonder Radeon - looking for compromise between gameplay and PVR-ness...... unless anyone can suggest something better.....? (someone suggested possibly getting a Geforce 3 and having a seperate PCI tv in/out etc card - I'll be recording from sky digital so svideo in and out with no ariel should work.......????)
I'm seriously thinking about getting one of these cases(bottom one) - its kewl! Yes, I'm really sad.....!
<On topic> Then I can use my current 233MMX (!!!!!!) to replace the P75 I'm currently using to run Homeseer....! </On topic>
And my free upgrade to ADSL from BT Anytime comes in a couple of weeks too :-) (yep, I know all about the peer-peer problems.....!)




-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Griffiths [mailto:mike@xxxxxxx]
Sent: 09 October 2001 20:06
To: Ukha_D (E-mail)
Subject: [ukha_d] New PC Build (slightly OT)

I’m thinking of building a couple of new PC’s for home

One as my main Machine running XP

The other running 2000 pro as a webserver/terminal server/ ACE/Homevision etc


But before I jump any comments

I’m looking at scan (Haven’t spoken to anyone yet)

Abit KT7-A-RAID Socket A KT-133A without Audio

1.4GHz (266fsb) AMD Athlon SoA CPU

512Mb SDRAM PC-133 (64x4)

41.2Gb IBM Deskstar 60GXP ATA-100 (8.5ms 2MB Cache 7200rpm)

+ assorted goodies

Must have 1 ISA slots for my serial extender card


Any comments on cases and PSU

The scan one for £35 seems cheap wats the catch ?

They also have an aluminium one for £169 so I’m a bit confused


or can someone recommend a good newsgroup for PC builds etc


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