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Re: WAS: Re: Rio Receiver NOW: Come back to my place bouncy-bouncy!

Paul - any dates in  mind???  (heads off to EasyJet website....)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2001 1:47 PM
Subject: RE: [ukha_d] WAS: Re: Rio Receiver NOW: Come back to my place bouncy-bouncy!

>Running wires through dark and small
>places is par for the course in home automation, just visit almost any of
>our houses to find out ;-)

Talking of which, do any of you blokes who've met me fancy coming round to
my place for a day/evening/night of playing with HA toys, helping me run
some cable, and eating/drinking as much curry/pizza/beer as is possible. I'm
thinking along the lines of a mini-meet, but at my house, where as well as
chewing the fat, having some fun and so on, we actually manage to progress
some of my HA projects by virtue of our shared experience, and a little bit
of practical help. - In return you get generously fed and watered, and the
promise that I'll return the favour at a subsequent mini-meet at your house
further down the line...

Appeal to anyone?

Paul G.

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