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Trying to get my head round X10

Title: Neil Frost Stationery
Help please....
I am about to buy a house that requires a total rewire and am thinking about X10 and possibly using Comfort to control it...........
I have looked at Mark McCall's wiring of his house and have noted the quantity of DIN Rail modules.
Am I right in thinking.......
1. That each light in the house would need to be separately wired to an X10 Din rail module (if I was using those) of it's own as apposed to the standard way of wiring the lights? But still use standard light switches?
2. For 2 way light switching I would use an AD10 module and for normal switching an LD10 module?
3. As for any appliances modules what devices would you (anyone) recommend be wired to an X10 din rail?
Thanks in advance for any (useful) reply.

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