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Re: Re: BT Openworld Satellite Internet

<< I get £100 a month paid towards the bill via work for on-call, so
can justify it, but it does annoy me that it's like i'm being
punished for being 1200 meters away from having an xDSL installation
(and thats after the additional Rate-Adaptive increase).
The xDSL boys get a more reliable connection, faster upload and pay
half what they are asking for this, and thats not to even go into
how much the original outlay is. >>

If you're 1200m away from DSL, then perhaps you could strike a deal with
someone who can get it.  Make friends with someone who can get DSL and you
have line-of-sight to.  Pay for their DSL, on the understanding that they
will relay their connection to you via an 802.11b wireless link.  A couple
of directional antennae, and you'll be fine (you can make them from a
pringles can), even within ETSI limits.

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