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Re: Linux & Misterhouse question

  • To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: Linux & Misterhouse question
  • From: ian@xxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 03 Nov 2001 19:12:36 -0000
  • Delivered-to: mailing list ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Mailing-list: list ukha_d@xxxxxxx; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

Hi Robin

I dont think I can be much help as they are mainly Linux questions
and I run MH on win2k.

Do you belong to the MH group as I'm sure I recently saw something
regards only running from the root, if not let me know and I'll check
my mail archieve.

Check your web settings as ia2 directory was designed for the audrey,
you should still be able to use it, but try the default directory

sorry I can not be of any more help.

Ian D.

--- In ukha_d@y..., Robin Edwards <robin@j...> wrote:
> Folks,
> 	Having managed to get Misterhouse working under W98 I've
> decided to move on.  I've installed Mandrake so now I'm back to
asking for
> help, this time more basic I suspect.  At least once I get thru
this bit
> all my config hopefully will work.  I have a couple of basic
questions that
> are probably Linux rather than mh related.... can somebody help
please ....
> 1: How do I get mh started as a task that runs not attached to a
> session?
> 2: Why is it that I can only get mh to run from root? .... I've
installed it
> in /usr/local/misterhouse ....  from the tar....gz file
> 3: I get an error about not being available .... well
Idid until
> just now an for no reason it stopped coming out.
> 4: I cant get to it from localhost:8080 .... I get an html error
about ia2 ...
> I can see the directory structure for ia2 in /web .... looks
similar to the
> version under windows.
> The annoying thing is ... until I put my override parms in and the
> I have created it worked.  I suspect alot of the above is as a
result of
> not understanding Linux..... apologies if the questions are
trivial, but its
> been a long week of evenings going from w98 to linux with lots of
> from the kids as they route thru my pc and I finally decided I need
to ask for
> some advice
> regards, robin
> robin(red_w) edwards

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