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Re: Audio signal distribution.

> Basically I would suggest that if you're just wanting to pipe voice
> announcements or so on through the house then CAT5 would be more than
> sufficient but anything with any degree of quality should use far
> wiring - hell, even bell wire would be better (much as I hate the
> would never have it in my house other than to the doorbell)!
> Myself, I was looking at using a couple of the 6 channel Rotel power
> provide individually controlled outputs in each room ... I couldn't
> if switching in or out other rooms affected volumes elsewhere. As it
is I
> just ended up buying decent micro systems (TEAC Reference and Denon)
> kitchen and bedrooms.

Thats basically the approach we have opted for too.

I remember having lots of uummms and ahhhs about how to get audio around
house. the way I looked at it was:

Data Level:
As 95% of our audio comes from an MP3 Server at Node Zero, i thought I
stick a PC at each point (a DDAR would have filled this nicely) and run it
all over Ethernet

Signal Level:
Given that crosstalk in Cat-5 seems to increase as power levels increase
(and we had bad previous experience of  speakers over CAT5) I figured that
running sound over cat-5 and having a small amp/speakers at each room would
be a fair solution, also independant volume control in a "set it and
it" way seemed a big plus

Speaker level:
As I say, I found *horrible* problems running speaker connections over
Cat-5: the crosstalk was really quite bad, add to that, that I was trying
run Composite Video over another cable in the same run at the same time,
you could *see* the sound on the Tv picture, I knocked this as a bad idea.

What we opted for was a mix of all three: we installed M*****'s 21-way
Cable £2 a metre, unless you have some stuff to return, and a staff
card to use (I used to work at Maplin, and one of my contacts still does)

So we route video and audio over SCART cabling and have an amp/speakers in
each location where there isn't a PC "anyway".

The only speaker level run I im even considering putting in place is under
the living room floor from the front of the room to the back, for the
surrounds. I will probably be using somehting the same as I use for that at
the moment: Gale XL189.


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